
Friday, January 30, 2004

In my own defense, I've been breaking in new pants these last few days.

Rating: 0/10

Friday, January 23, 2004

Today's boner arrived suddenly and unexpectedly.

Rating: 5/10

It's well past afternoon in my part of the world, but I'm still at work, having stayed up all night, as it were.

Rating: 7/10

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Nothing yet. Running out of daylight here.


Rating: 0/10

A supper of bourbon does not on the morrow a sturdy boner make. Today's started off with promise, as I fell into a sort of reverie. It soon proved timid and bland, however, before petering off into languor. A certain tenacity was perhaps its sole virtue.

UPDATE: On reflection, it was more resilient than tenacious. I need to stop spending so much time at thesaurus.com.

Rating: 4/10

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

After a solid weekend spent indulging in the consumption of alcohol, the first day back at your dreary job can take a significant toll on your afternoon boners. Today, I found myself rather unable to maintain the level of intensity even a mediocre AB requires. I hang my head, as it were, in the burning shame of a job well and truly poorly done.

Rating: 1/10

Late MB or early AB? Deserving of disqualification or a very low rating?

I'm going to not count it and hold out for something better.

UPDATE: Okay, I am taking my cohort's advice and going ahead and counting this as an early AB. Sort of sad, really, as it was quite powerful. What a waste.

Rating: 0/10

Monday, January 19, 2004

The human body is a mysterious and wonderful thing. You can be sitting on the couch watching television one minute and be writhing in pain as your foot spasms uncontrollably the next. It was in such a way that this afternoon's boner struck me, except instead of a couch and a television it was a rolly chair and a computer, and instead of pain and my foot it was a boner. It was short-lived as these things go, but on the whole snappy and smooth, perhaps tending to weightiness.

Rating: 4/10

The bank holiday afternoon boner is an interesting beast. Waking at noon always calls into question the validity of a true afternoon boner, but I feel that this sort of hair splitting puts one on a slippery slope (no pun intended) that can lead to all sorts of unintended consequences. Therefore, waking at 12:30 with a vigorous and noble boner, though unexpected, is falls well within the best definitions of afternoon boner around and I for one, as loyal readers of this log will surely attest, am no snob when it comes to the enjoyment of a good afternoon boner. This one was forthright and stalwart, lasting the better part of a half an hour, a mysterious ghost in a room of unintended ideas.

As for criticisms, I will mention that the quantity of alcohol I consumed last night does not bode well for future ABs, and more discipline will have to be maintained if I wish to capture truly top form.

Rating: 7/10

Friday, January 16, 2004

It came down to crunch time. Only minutes of daylight remained, and soon I'd be out of the office for the weekend. Let me tell you, when you're already risking public shame coming on the tail of a disappointment like yesterday's, the time pressure is less than helpful. Most days, the AB will just hit out of nowhere. But today, no such luck. It was down to the wire, with nary a stir.

Several minutes of intense meditation produced a strange tingling all over my body and, yes, the barest of movements below. I stepped up my concentration, tweaked a few parameters, and was soon blessed with a slight woody. It's not my best moment, but I know better than to look a gift horse in the proverbial mouth.

This weekend, plenty of shellfish, cinnamon, and leafy greens.

Rating: 2/10

I guess "hopefully" would have been more accurate than "fortunately" in my last post. Only an hour and a half left at work...I hope I can pull it off.

Rating: 0/10 Withdrawn

it's not afternoon yet (soon), but I feel like today's is going to be a doozy. check back early and often!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2004

This is sort of embarrassing, but I was so busy registering an account on Blogger that I never achieved the requisite focus for a true afternoon boner. I had no choice but to take the energy generated during the morning boner and stretch it to last through the rest of the day.

Fortunately, this temporary failure only hardens my resolve, and tomorrow I will be able to rise to the occaision in heroic fashion.

Rating: 0/10 Withdrawn

After last night's exertions, I would have expected today's AB to be anaemic at best. Lack of sleep coupled with the chilly New York winter wind seemed to have predestined today's boner as a mere foot note in the hallowed annals of great boners past, but steady consumption of water, coupled with the imaginative meanderings only seen in the truly exhausted gave rise to a proud boner, noteworthy in it's grit and pluck (not literally, of course. that's disgusting).

Rating: 4/10

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